Last week was a rough week for our fam.. with everyone being sick and such, then on top of that I got my wisdom teeth out on Friday. I needed that wisdom, now I feel pretty dumb :) But I am happy to say my cheeks haven't really gotten swollen. I took a picture so everyone could see which is quite a step up because I haven't let anyone see me and when mom tries to take a picture, I hide my face. These last few days Loritab has become my best friend, we get along quite good by now. Speaking of which, I just took one, so this post might not make a whole lot of sense, but it does to me :) This week I have also come to love things like jello, pudding, and of course- my favorite- instant potatoes!!! Yum, Yum! Also this week tons of people have been so nice as to bring me smoothies and such, it's nice to know people care. Thanks everyone!