Friday, February 26, 2010


Bad news... I couldn't get the donkey :( So I did the lame scripture one, but I think it's funny.. Anyway- Today I got my dress!!!!! WOOT, and I helped Mike ask Courtney. Good day!
My DREAM dress!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I like how you all assume its Pat that asked me.. maybe its not? Just kidding, but I need ideas for how to answer the Patster. Here's what I have- tell me which you think is best or if you have better ideas that'd be splendid!

  • Get a big pair of briefs and say "I'll be brief... YES!"
  • Get a bucket filled with sand, then mix in shells and sweedish fish and say "SHORE!"
  • Get a couple packages of cookie dough, wax paper, and plastic forks. Put large scoops of the cookie dough on the wax paper with forks sticking out the top. Put these all over his/her room. Get a poster or a sign saying "If your forkin out the dough I'd love to go"
  • Get pink helium-filled balloons, decortate them to look like pigs and put them in a box. Then leave a note that says "I'll say yes the days pigs fly" then when the open the box, the pigs "fly"
  • Get a fish chop off the head and say "Head's is yes, tail's is no" then have a string leading to the head somewhere
  • Take a box of matches. On 51, write "yes" and on 50 write "no". In a note say something like "pair up the couples to see if we would be the perfect match together
  • Give him a box of "alka seltzer" stomach medication with a plastic cup in a small basket, and attach this message, "PLOP, PLOP, FIZZ, FIZZ, OH WHAT A RELIEF IT IS that you asked me to the dance! Yes!"
  • Buy a bag of beans and cut the bag open. Lay the bag on his bead so the beans are spilling out and say "I'm SPILLING THE BEANS... My answer is yes!"
  • Write on his mirror with lipstick the scripture reference Genesis 24:58 so he has to go to it. It says "Wilt though go with this man? And she said, I will go"
  • Make a carmel apple and say "If the apple is green, then I will go, But if the apple is red, then the answer is no!"
  • Get a real female cow (I like this one, so someone find me a cow!!) and tie it to a tree in the front yard and say "I'd be UDDERLY delighted to go to the dance with you!"
  • Purchase a stick of "Sure" brand deodorant and give it to him with a note that says "SURE, no SWEAT! I'm excited to ROLL-ON to the dance with you"
  • Make a straw dummy by stuffing old clothes with straw- dur! Hang it to a tree and say "I won't leave you HANGING... The answer is yes!" -OR- "I'm no DUMMY... I'd love to go to the dance with you!"
  • Fill his bathtub up with water and put rocks in the bottom that spell yes and put a sailboat on the top. Leave a note that says "I've been SAILING ever since you asked me!"
  • Short sheet his bed and in the bottom of the bed leave a not that says "In SHORT, Yes!"
  • Give him a watch with a note that says "WATCH out! You're in for a really great TIME every SECOND of this dance! I just love your FACE, so get in GEAR for a great evening! Yes, I'd love to go to the dance with you!"

Monday, February 22, 2010

a whole bunch of blah

Well... Since no one reads my blog I pretty much post these for myself- for therapy sake? Ha! Well, last thursday I got asked to prom. Woot. Also, today I got my ACT scores! WOOT WOOT! I got a 25 on the ACT. I was quite proud for my first time and not studying. AND- my license came in the mail today! WOOT- good day, good day!

Saturday, February 20, 2010


I have tears in my eyes right now as I write this post. I never really knew Mitch very well, but I feel like he is my best friend. I went to visit him on Tuesday and he was the funny Mitch I always knew. It was the first day in eight days he was able to have a real conversation with his family. He told me stories he remembered while he was in his coma and it was so sad. He was doing amazing, but that night after I left it all went downhill. They are moving him to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota to see if they can get further help. I went and visited him today and it was so hard. His mom came out to the waiting room and got me and Courtney to take us back. She asked us to wait outside his room for just a minute while she went in to check on him. While she was in there I could hear him crying because he was in so much pain. It broke my heart. We went in there and gave him our card but they had just given him sleepy medicine so we told him we would go. When we said that he just kept saying "no, no, no please stay" so we stayed for a few more minutes. He kept telling us how much he loved us. When it was time for us to leave he held my hand and said "I just want you guys to know that I will stay strong, I'm going to pull through this. I really want to see you guys again. I love you guys". He is such an amazing kid I know he can pull through. On Friday after I read their blog that they were moving him to Rochester, MN I was heartbroken. I have never in my life prayed so hard for someone. As I was reading my scriptures that night I felt so much comfort and I know he will be okay. I love this kid so much and I know that he can pull through this. Please just keep him in your prayers!

Monday, February 15, 2010


Moira is the only one that appreciates my fun- and will participate in it. Thanks Moira!

Love these girls!

Tifani's AMAZING cake!
But thank heavens for Dad ;)

Nail painting routine- woot

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Highlights of my day (Saturday):
  • Today, at the Rack Alayna was looking at herself in this closed mirror. She was laughing and screaming and making crazy noises at herself then I hear "EW!" So I open it and asked her what was up, she said "Oh just my stink bombs" :)
  • At the Rack again Alayna said "Stones Kal" so I put my hand up to give her stones and she punches my boob uber hard and said "BAM GIRL!" What a violent little turd!
  • Holding little Benson
  • NEW SHOES!- always a highlight! Especially for $10
  • DONE with the ACT
  • When I put my new shoes in the cart Alayna picked them up and said "These are kinda ugly Kal"- Thanks Alayna. Now I know who to come to for fashion advice... Needless to say I got them anyway
  • When I rode the carousel with Alayna and we had to wait an extra time just cause she wanted the dragon and someone else was on it
  • Alayna tells me she likes my butt :)
  • Falling asleep by the fire
  • Staying up late
  • The chinker walking past Steph while feeding Benson- cause he got a show!!
  • Talking to my brother
  • Being in the same room as my senior crush for the ACT-- BUT I looked awful, good impression!
  • Staying up late- texting a certain boy :)


Friday, February 5, 2010


Well blogging world... I finally did it- I finally got my license!! Step up in life right there