Sunday, April 3, 2011


Sorry this post is so long! And sorry the pictures ended up backward! The beginning is really at the bottom. Woot for New York! It was amazing!

Empire State Building at night! Museum of Natural History Holla! Me and Frankie! Carlos Bakery! Waiting in line for Carlos Bakery. We waited in the POURING rain for 2 hours! So worth it though :) Serendipity! Dylan's Candy Bar Top of the Rock Me and mom at Wicked!! Woot- I won the Wicked lottery for once! The Manhattan Temple WOOT! Regis! Dana Delany James Marsden and Cat Deeley (Kelly wasn't there so Cat was taking her place- she was real cute!) James Marsden- so attractive!! Waiting for Regis and Kelly! This was hilarious! This guy pulled up, got out of his car and put this padded thing on his bumper. Then he got back in the car and reversed until he bumped the car behind him, then pulled up just a tad and got out and left. That's how the New Yorkers park! Trinity Church- the one in National Treasure! Ground Zero We went to Max Brenner for dinner one night. It was so yummy! Persistence of Memory Taking a piece of the "art" at the MOMA A confessional booth. We decided this is just what dad needs! This was on the street. It was pretty awesome! Me and the parents the first night at Hard Rock Cafe


Dustin Family said...

I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT!!!! So glad you guys had so much fun! Woot for NYC!!!

Stephani said...

I am so glad you had so much fun in NYC - I can't believe you got a picture with Regis and all the fun things you did!! I am crazy jealous!! Love ya!