Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day 13.

Random picture of the day, but every post needs a picture and I love these girls :)
Today I am grateful I passed cleaning checks. Plain and simple- but I have been stressing over this! I cleaned for about 7 hours and still expected to fail, because rumor has it that no one passes. Last night when I was talking to Daniel he asked me how long it took to clean and I told him I cleaned for two days! He was shocked and said I should have not cleaned, failed, and just paid $20 to have someone else clean it. I am too prideful for that. I couldn't. But it paid off and I was the only one in my apartment that passed on everything! Yay!

1 comment:

Juli said...

I am sooooo glad you passed. I always hated cleaning checks, they rake foreee evvvvv errrr!